Free Online Training:

Traditional Publishing or Self-Publishing: What’s Right for You?

If you're interested in publishing a book, one of the most important decisions you'll have to make is: How will you publish it?In this free online training for subscribers, we'll discuss the pros and cons of traditional and self-publishing and bust many of the myths that exist around both. On the traditional side, we'll cover what publishers are looking for, how to make yourself an attractive candidate for them, and what it's really like to partner with publishers. On the self-publishing side, we'll talk about quality control and owning your destiny as an author.

There's no right answer here - either model might be right for you.

You'll learn:

  • Pros & cons of traditional vs. self-publishing
  • What it's really like to work with traditional publishers
  • What publishers are looking for and how to make yourself an attractive candidate
  • How to make self-publishing easy and fun (and high quality!)
Watch the Training Now

Other Popular Workshops

If you are hosting a writing retreat or conference, I would love to come chat with your group. The following are topics I’ve presented on in the past, although if there’s another topic that appeals to you, please let me know and I’d be happy to work with you to meet your needs:

  • 5 Keys for More Consistent Writing
  • Craft a Winning Book Proposal
  • Your Bestselling Book Idea
  • Map Your Memoir Masterclass
  • Book Mapping Masterclass

Contact me about speaking opportunities:

Upcoming Events

Craft a Winning Book Proposal

If you dream of having a book traditionally published, the first thing you'll need is a book proposal. A book proposal is a written plan for how you will make your book successful. But how do you go about planning for that? Thankfully, there are certain pieces of a book proposal that every publisher expects to see. In this 90-minute workshop, we'll go over the 7 main sections of a book proposal and what should be in it. Plus, you'll leave with a template AND a real-life example of a winning book proposal that got the authors a book deal!

Throughout our time together, we'll address questions like:

  • What kinds of books need book proposals?
  • Do you need a literary agent?
  • How do you send queries to agents and/or publishers?
  • What should you say about your platform?
  • How should you plan to promote your book?

Here's the secret: Writing a book proposal isn't just for a publisher - it gives YOU the confidence you need to see your book through to completion.

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Your Bestselling Book Idea

You've got an idea for a book... but how do you know if it's really good? How do you know that it'll work, that people will want to read it - and maybe a publisher will even want to publish it? In this 90-minute, interactive workshop, we'll break down the essential components of bestselling book ideas, using examples from real bestselling books. We'll also talk about how to turn a boring idea into a bestselling idea, and workshop each other's ideas to make them even greater.

In this class, you'll learn:

  • 5 ways to come up with bestselling book ideas
  • How to analyze other bestselling books to identify the ideas that make them so popular
  • How to test your ideas to make sure they'll stick

Register Here